Sunday 19 August 2012


I figure there are people out there that are kind of like me,you know getting tongue tied when you are emotion laden, so i guess you'll relate with this article.When you and your significant other have reached the point that you two know your serious and he's quite expressive and you on the other hand, for the life of you,can't seem to be as expressive! Fret not that's where I come in saying those 3 special  words without uttering a word,yes that's right saying I love you without words and here are 8 ways to go about it:

STEP 1: Be fully present. 
The greatest way to let a person know that you love them is to give your undivided attention, and to be fully present when they're around. Put away the never-ending work, put aside the hobby, turn off the TV, and find time to spend together!

STEP 2: Make your loved one laugh. 
When you love someone, you love seeing them happy, and nothing exhibits happiness more like genuine laughter. So be lighthearted and playful. See how many times in one day you can make the person smile or laugh. It's especially great to try and make someone laugh when they're not supposed to laugh.

STEP 3: Give handmade gifts.
You don't have to wait until a holiday or birthday comes up in order to get a gift or better yet make one. Shows you think about the person all the time and you don't need a special occasion to show it.

STEP 4: Give that special someone a massage. 
Nothing spells out luxury and intimacy like a generous massage.(I happen to be good at this lol)

STEP 5: Connect from afar. 
Wherever you are, whether at the dinner table seated opposite one another, or across the auditorium, try to connect and send one another love. Blow kisses, smile knowingly, or wink! (aww this particle step I can really relate with cus i once dated a guy that made it a point to hold my hand or give me hugs spur-of-the-moment it was cute lol)

STEP 6: Be a good listener. 
When you sincerely listen to someone, you're not only opening your ears, but you're also opening your heart. By empathizing, you will strengthen your connection and deepen your love.

STEP 7: Hug. 
A hug speaks more than words ever could. It says "I love you" as well as letting the person receiving the hug know that you care and support them.(so so true)

STEP 8: Avoid taking a transactional view of love. 
Don't get angry if the person doesn't "do it back". It may take some time for your mate to recognize that you're expressing love. But they will. 

Like I've said before if you can't say it show it!! *hugs* thank me later.

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