Monday 23 September 2013


This is something for the ladies. I know of many women who desire larger, fuller breasts, many women with the exception of me that is. There are several options to reach your target of bigger boobs,you can get surgical breast enlargement but it can be painful, it may cause health problems in future and is super expensive. Fortunately, there are several natural techniques you can use to increase your breast size. Although these methods vary in their safety and effectiveness, they are all inexpensive and available without a prescription.

Put Up Some Weight

Human breasts are composed almost entirely of fat, and they tend to shrink after a woman experiences weight loss. So, consider eating a diet rich in healthy, high-calorie foods like olive oil, walnuts, peanuts and reduced-fat cheese. Weight gain will almost inevitably cause an increase in breast size.*winks*

High-Soy Diet

Soy is rich in estrogen-like compounds known as isoflavones, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health. The NIH regards soy as a theoretical and unproven method for increasing breast size. In theory, minimally processed soy foods can cause an increase in levels of the breast-boosting hormone estrogen. Eat a diet rich in tofu, tempeh, edamame and soy milk to improve your breast size, but note that heavily processed soy "burgers" and "cheese" contain little of the plant's estrogen-boosting compounds.

Herbal Supplements

Several herbal supplements are touted as natural breast enhancers, but several clinics around the globe question the safety and effectiveness of these compounds. The National Institutes of Health (USA) states that licorice, one of the most popular herbal breast enlargers, contains compounds that elevate levels of the lactation-related hormones estrogen and prolactin. Red clover is a source of isoflavones similar to those found in soy, and blessed thistle has been used for centuries as a breast enlarger and lactation stimulant. Therefore, using any of these products is not recommended, particularly if you have a medical condition or a family history of breast cancer.

Those are some ways to get 'em bigger!! lol get more cushion in front so those cleavage baring clothes you've always wanted but because of your deficiency couldn't ever wear? now you can. Thank me later or now even by dropping a comment or follow me on twitter @keeksokafor.

Monday 16 September 2013


Today I'm focusing on Kegel exercises,it's been commonly mentioned but scarcely practiced. I don't know how many are even aware of what those exercises are for and it's importance so let me give you a brief history then get right into it...but there's a twist in this tale for those of you that are aware of Kegel exercise you should know that it isn't for women alone. Read up:

Where did Kegels originate? In the mid-1900s, Dr. Arnold Kegel developed his Kegel exercise for women experiencing urinary incontinence. During followup examinations, the women reported an amazing side effect: Kegels helped their vagina's become a lot more sensitive during intercourse. Of course, this intrigued Dr. Kegel and, subsequently, he found that doing Kegels exercised the pubococcygeal (PC) muscle—the muscl group that forms the orgasmic platform.

Think Kegel exercises are just for women? Think again. Kegel exercises for men can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder and bowel and affect sexual function. With practice, Kegel exercises for men can be done discreetly just about anytime — whether you're relaxing on the couch or driving your car. Before you start doing Kegel exercises, find out how to locate the correct muscles and understand the proper technique.

Many factors can weaken a man's pelvic floor muscles, including the surgical removal of the prostate (radical prostatectomy) and conditions such as diabetes and overactive bladder.

You might benefit from doing Kegel exercises if you:

  • Have urinary or fecal incontinence
  • Dribble after urination — usually after you've left the bathroom
  • Some studies suggest that Kegel exercises for men might also benefit some men who have erectile dysfunction. However, further research is needed.

How to do Kegel exercises for men
It takes diligence to identify your pelvic floor muscles and understand how to contract and relax them. Here are some pointers: Unfortunately,very few people have made Kegels a daily habit.  Find the right muscles. To identify your pelvic floor muscles, stop urination in midstream or tighten the muscles that keep you from passing gas. These are your pelvic floor muscles. If you contract your pelvic floor muscles while looking in the mirror, the base of your penis will move closer to your abdomen and your testicles will rise.

Perfect your technique. Once you've identified your pelvic floor muscles, empty your bladder and lie on your back with your knees bent and apart. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles, hold the contraction for three seconds, and then relax for three seconds. Try it a few times in a row but don't overdo it. When your muscles get stronger, try doing Kegel exercises while sitting, standing or walking. Maintain your focus. For best results, focus on tightening only your pelvic floor muscles. Be careful not to flex the muscles in your abdomen, thighs or buttocks. Avoid holding your breath. Instead, breathe freely during the exercises. Repeat 3 times a day. Aim for at least three sets of 10 repetitions a day.

Kegel's are a must for both male and female. Do it daily and like any other exercise marvel at the results. Remember the handle hasn't changed @keeksokafor plus a comment on what you think about the post after the jump.


Thursday 12 September 2013



This is a very incredible finding, so incredible I had to share. If you remember a few months ago i shared with you how "size" does matter with this post you'll understand just how important size is *winks* enjoy. 

Men with small testicles are likely to be more nurturing and better fathers to their children. A new study from Emory University finds that men who tend to be a loving parent also have smaller testicles. This study showed that men with smaller testes exhibited more nurturing activity in their brains when shown pictures of their children. Also, separate surveys from their respective female partners showed that these men were more involved in the upbringing of their children. Larger sized testicles seemed to indicate men who were built for competition with other men to make women pregnant, but not so much to care for the child

Researchers  measured the testicle size of 70 new fathers from the Atlanta area between 21 and 43 years old. They also analyzed their brain activity in regions implicated in parental motivation when shown images of their child and quizzed their wives about the man's involvement in child rearing. Testes volume is associated with sperm production and testosterone levels — the bigger the balls, the more sperm and testosterone the man produces. In the study, the researchers also found that testes volume is related to how involved a man is in his child's life.

Smaller balls and lower testosterone levels were independently correlated to more parental involvement. Larger testicle volume and higher testosterone levels were correlated to less involvement.

So I guess the appropriate question would be for the married men; How big is your balls? :) answer that in the comment section or just follow me twitter it's :@keeksokafor

Monday 2 September 2013



Alright here we go: Happy New Month KIK-EETE's, this is my first brand new offering for the month of September. Enjoy. We all know that at some point in our various relationships we'll hit hard times so here's something neat I came across to help us all deal it's a kind of do-it-yourself thing. Plus dealing in this case is making it work and you know using these tips to formulate a blue print that works for your relationship, like I say all the time thank me later :)

While most relationships have their share of ups and downs, very few couples are willing or able to invest the time and/or money that traditional relationship therapy would cost. This doesn't mean that they're more or less committed to the success of their relationship than other couples - only that they have different limits as to what they find as an acceptable intrusion into their private lives (particularly when it comes to a third party such as a therapist).  You can do this as one partner or as a couple, although it's much more effective when both people participate. We've become a society of do-it-yourselfers, so it only makes sense that we're bringing this idea into the more personal aspects of our lives rather than the simple home improvement projects.

Positive thinking is a great place to start. Whenever the roads of romance become a little too rocky for comfortable travel, it's time to take a step back and remind each other why you fell in love in the first place. Make a list. Remind each other of the wonderful person you are when not bothered with the worries of the world, children, finances, and the world outside the circle of your arms.There are many different styles of self-therapy that you can use.  A highly recommended style of relationship therapy is known as the Imago, which is Latin for 'match' style. The important thing is that you take as many steps as possible together.

Role-playing is another great way to obtain valuable insight as to how you perceive your partner as well as how he or she sees you. You may learn a lot about how the English language is inadequate at expressing your precise messages. You may intend to say one thing and your partner may hear something else entirely. It's important to learn how to communicate with one another positively and accurately. Working together through self-therapy and role-playing can help you achieve that.
Finally don't forget to do the needful, first follow me on twitter lol @keeksokafor and second drop a comment on anything you don't get , i'll treat it. Have a blessed month ahead.