Thursday 30 January 2014


This is a new survey that I discovered, It doesn't apply to me but I figure maybe it might be applicable for some others. Here's how it goes:

If you find yourself without a date this Valentine’s Day, maybe it’s not you. Maybe it’s your car. According to a new survey by, women say that attractive men tend to drive black Ford pickup trucks. Men report that attractive women drive red BMW sports cars. The survey of 2,000 men and women asked what type, brand and colour of vehicle are driven by the most fetching members of the opposite sex. Women ranked these styles as cars that attractive men drive: 

• Pickup trucks: 32% 
• Sports cars: 27% 
• SUVs: 16% 
• Sedans: 11% 
• Hybrid or electric: 9% 
• UPS truck: 4% 
• Minivans: 2% 
• Mail truck: 1% the top brands of car for attractive men, as ranked by women, were Ford (16%), 

Chevrolet (13%) and Porsche (11%).  
Women overwhelmingly point to black (53%) as the colour of cars driven by good-looking men, followed by silver (16%) and red (13%). Here’s how men ranked car types for attractive women:

• Sports cars: 39% 
• Sedans: 22% 
• SUVs: 20% 
• Pickup trucks: 10% 
• Hybrid or electric vehicle: 6% 
• Minivans: 4%
Men envision desirable gals in BMWs (16%), Mercedes-Benzes (14%) and Porsches (10%). The top car colours for attractive women were red (40%), black (23%) and silver (14%).

It is believed that “if the car is well kept, there's a better chance the owner takes good care of him or herself." These observations are supported by survey results. When asked what’s most important about a car belonging to the opposite sex, people say: 
1.That it is clean. (Women: 45%. Men: 43%.) 
2.That it is reliable. (Women: 37%. Men: 29%.) Less important are: 
3.That it is interesting. (Women: 7%. Men: 12%.) 
4.That it is new or new-ish. (Women: 6%. Men: 9%.) 
5.That it is expensive. (Women: 4%. Men: 6%.)
The fact of the matter remains: Your persona is intrinsically linked in some way to the vehicle you drive. You may be able to leverage that to boost your odds of a date to the movies this Saturday night. 

Well what do you think? do you agree? holler at me via twitter @keeksokafor or drop a line below.

Tuesday 21 January 2014



Okay I Understand it's 2014 and we women have to take the bull by the horn, I'm not arguing with that notion I'm just providing other ways we women can tell you we're interested without coming out rightly and blurting it out. For the women that still want to remain coy and demeanour-kinda like me-here are the "things" we do.  Plus after I have shared all this fellas use your initiative will ya?! Enough said...

9) The Head Rest

The casual head rest is a major sign we want to get closer to you. We are literally inviting you into our personal space by invading yours. We're not just brushing something off your jumper -- we are placing our face near your face. In terms of all (non-sexual) body parts in close proximity, the face is one of the most intimate -- you wouldn't want your face close to someone you didn't find attractive.

8) The Eyelash Bat

If you're noticing us holding your gaze for longer than normal -- and then looking down to the floor shyly -- know you've captured our interest. In a completely platonic encounter, maintaining eye contact shouldn't prove a challenge because we're not threatened or embarrassed or self-conscious (unless we're incredibly embarrassed or self-conscious normally). But if we can't maintain eye contact and seem nervous, it's probably because we're really into you. Which makes us nervous.

7) The Thigh-On-Hand

The more intimate we feel towards you or think about you, the more likely we are to find reasons to touch you... pretty much everywhere we can. Obviously the easiest spot to touch -- and most innocent -- is near your penis. Just kidding! It'd be your shoulder or your upper arm. So if we're putting a hand on your thigh (or anywhere near your junk), chances are it is very intentional and we are definitely thinking about touching very close by. Now would certainly be the time to make a follow-up move.

6) The Getting Comfy

Any time we willingly cozy up next to you or find a reason to minimise the personal space between the two of us it means we want to feel your body next to ours. Ask yourself: Would you do that with a woman you weren't thinking about naked? No woman wants to feel a man's body next to theirs if they're not interested in a little make out.

5) The Boob Graze

Read with caution: Not all women use their boobs as a flirting tool -- some of us have just been overly blessed by nature, or maybe we couldn't be bothered to find our "good" bra that day so they're a bit less strapped down than normal. End of story. But for some other women using your boobs is a sign she wants you to make a move.

4) The Hand Brush

This is a move that's not too invasive and one that's easily ignored if not noticed -- which is what makes it such a great move. If a woman brushes her hand against yours once, it could be an awkward mistake. Twice? No chance. If it is a mistake, chances are we will laugh awkwardly and actually bring up in conversation the awkwardness that just happened. But. If we meant to do it, we won't say anything until we get up the courage to try it again. So if her hand brushes against yours (twice), grab her hand. That's what she wants.

3) The Tickle Trick

Tickling involves some heavy contact. You're not doing it right if you're not on the ground, on top of the person you're tickling as they're writhing around in a fit below you. Given this, it's not exactly for two people who don't want a lot of physical contact (or the occasional boob graze amidst all the action)

2) The Yawn-And-Lean

If you're moving towards the end of an evening and a woman is tired, she will yawn and say she's tired and wants to go home. If a woman is tired and wants you to come with her home, she will give you some major signals. One such signal? If you're sitting near one another, and she yawns and leans her head or reaches out and rests her hand on your shoulder or chest before she says she wants to go home, she is definitely telling you she doesn't want to go home alone. Think about it: She's practically physically pulling you into her bed.

1) The Lean-And-Touch

Similar to the 'yawn-and-lean', this is probably one of the most-used major signals meaning we're into you and want you to make a move. It's innocent enough to be taken as innocent flirting (in case you don't feel the same way back) and strong enough to be noticed.

That's it basically all you guys have to do is notice these tell tale signs of opening, and jump through that crack without looking back lol. Thank me later...heck thank me now! first hit the follow button on twitter; my handle @keeksokafor or drop a comment below :)

Monday 20 January 2014


Here are a couple of sex  myths that I just had to trash out. So people better recognise! Everything and everything is all in your head. Especially number 2! I've had series of arguments with guys and I still stick to my belief it's all in your head, you need to break out of those old notions and stick to the facts.
1. Myth: Men have more sexual urges than women
Fact: The media and society may have portrayed it that way, but let us make it clear that women are equally excited about sex. Also, you if you believe that men are ready to pull the gun 24×7, the truth is that men experience daily fluctuations in libido just like women.

2. Myth: Condoms make sex less enjoyable
Fact: This theory is completely wrong! As long as you’re well aroused and excited, sex with condom is as pleasurable as it is without.

3. Myth: Every woman has a G-spot
Fact: Okay, every woman does have a G-spot, but it’s not necessary that every woman’s G-spot is an erogenous zone. Instead of wasting time finding one, we advise you concentrate on other erogenous zones such as the breasts, neck, back and inner thighs.

4. Myth: You can’t get pregnant if you have sex while menstruating
Fact: While there are lesser chances of you getting pregnant during your periods, it does not mean that it’s impossible. Sperms can stay alive inside you for several days, especially if you have a shorter cycle. 
5. Myth: Certain sex positions can determine a baby’s gender
Fact: This notion is completely wrong. Many believe that certain sex positions can help you conceive the gender of the baby you want. Well, it’s not possible. We totally recommend you try whatever sex position you fancy, but don’t expect it help you conceive a girl or boy of your choice.

6. Myth: The withdrawal method won’t get you pregnant
Fact: In case you didn't already know, even pre-ejaculation can get you preggers! So, withdrawing just before you cum is not going to save you from getting pregnant. If you’re avoiding a pregnancy, always use a condom!

7. Myth: Fantasising about someone else in bed is wrong
Fact: Sexual experience starts with your brain, not body. So don’t worry too much if your mind starts wandering. If you are loyal and committed to your man, it’s absolutely alright to fantasise about Bradley Cooper and Ryan Gosling. Yum!

8. Myth: Size matters
Fact: No guy leaves the opportunity to boast about the size of his member. But honestly, size is not barometer for manhood or great sex. Only 4 centimetres of your vaginal canal has sensory nerves for arousal and pleasure, so size really doesn't matter.

Any comments or probably disagreements then tweet at me by following me first on @keeksokafor or drop a comment on the comment bar below. :)

Friday 3 January 2014


Happy New year, I'm so excited about this year, you know when you get this tingly feeling on your finger tips? I only expect good things this year. Contrary to popular opinion, guys aren't the only one's that scope people out so listen up fellas this is what we look out for in a guy on the real and ladies that might feel that I'm giving away sacred information? well I say cut 'em some slack girls, they have a right to know *winks*

While men ogle women and start forming their opinion, women too notice a few primal things in men as soon as they see them, and this first unspoken impression opens the door for future communication. Here are five tips to make that first impression count.

1. Physical appearance
Your physique or physical build is the primary feature that any woman notices within a few seconds of seeing you. This includes everything from height to weight, features, hair, eyes and more. So, guys spend some time at the gym to stay healthy inside out. And, don’t forget about personal grooming. Please keep your hands and nails clean.

2. Style sense
In next a few seconds, your fashion and style sense is on her scanning radar. The way you dress up speaks a lot about your personality. This doesn't mean that you have to look like a movie star all the time, but avoid making silly fashion mistakes like wearing sport shoes on formal pants. You may not know, but she will notice all these things and more.

3. Confidence
Women love bold, upfront and confident men who have opinion and views. During initial conversation, she tries to know how confident you are and how you approach things, positively or negatively. Accordingly, they get positive or negative vibes from you. Be positive and humble while talking to a woman and put forward your point too. However, don’t try to lead a conversation, have a conversation with her. Don’t try to act smart.

4. Communication
Women label you boring if you can’t keep up the conversation. So, leave those one-liners, hold her attention and make the session lively. The more you communicate, the more she will know about you. She might notice your communication skills, so be yourself and avoid arrogance.

5. Sense of humour
Women love guys who have a good sense of humour and who can make them laugh. They are quite popular with women and they feel comfortable and candid with such men. Start the first conversation on a light and funny note to churn out the positive results. Avoid dirty jokes during first conversation and earn bonus points with healthy humour.

Believe it or not that pretty much it, the saying women are from mars doesn't come to play with these easy to apply tips do they? Now for you that don't know the drill, drop a line on the comment bar if you've got something to say plus catch me on twitter if you want to make a special blog request :)