Tuesday 27 November 2012


Plastic surgeons have been making a killing on designer vaginas. What exactly is a designer vagina? Well, therein lies the problem. No one really knows, and if you try looking it up on a plastic surgeon’s site, chances are whatever answer you get is going to be really vague and confusing.

A lot of plastic surgeons offer procedures like labioplasty, which makes your labia smaller or different from their natural state–like a nose job, but for your privates. Others offer G-spot enhancement, which is sort of horrifying, because there’s very little evidence to show that it actually does anything, and because it’s surgery inside your vag. Other sexist services include “hymen rejuvenation,” so you can “bleed on your wedding night and keep your head high.
I though really can't understand what is with the obsession with hymens? I am of the opinion that you don't try to fix what has been broken an in that i mean your virginity!! If the brother can't handle that he isn't the first man to visit your sacred chambers then girl onto the next one lol! Seriously though designer vjay's smh what will man think of next?!


 I have been on some kind of hiatus and that's basically because I traveled to Lagos and now I'm back and i missed blogging so here's my latest offering I hope you enjoy this article!

Here’s a new question for you ask on your next date: So…what position do you sleep in? A new study found that sleeping positions affect personality by determining how we feel when we wake up. People who sleep on their backs with arms stretched out in front typically wake up feeling refreshed and eager to start their day. Sleeping face down with arms outstretched indicates a feeling of being “out of control” and leaves these people feeling tired with no energy. Those who sleep with a straight body are stubborn, and will feel stiff in the morning. And the most popular sleeping style? The fetal position. 58 percent of people sleep on their side with their knees up and head down– which is no surprise considering it is associated with stress.  These people can expect to awake refreshed, having dealt with the previous days issues. I’m pretty sure I hit all of those positions at some point throughout the night. :)

So discover yourself with this survey and thank me later lolz.

Monday 12 November 2012


Below is what the rapper said during a radio interview to promote his upcoming reality show - Marrying The Game

Cheating should be legalized. It would make it easier for women. The truth is every man cheats. Fat men, skinny men, basketball player, guy who can’t play, nerds, smart guy, it doesn’t matter. A woman is better off assuming exactly what I said. You’ll be better off that way. 

Then he adds

But I would never understand if a woman cheats. You know the balance. It would be over with. That’s how it goes. 

The Game said on a radio show some days back. And he's engaged to be married! I'm gonna say this is just sad, but if you reason in this line as well let me know why.

Friday 2 November 2012


Have you ever suspected your girlfriend to be cheating on you at one point in your relationship? The thought of having a cheating girlfriend is a concern that haunts many guys in relationships. Women can be just as unfaithful as men, so if you think that your girlfriend is doing something unusual, try looking at these 5 signs on how to tell if she is cheating on you.

1. She's engages in secretive behavior 
Do you find strange numbers on her cell phone? Does she receive strange phone calls that are always "the wrong number?" Does she suddenly keep getting called into work at odd hours and often has to be away on business? If your answer is yes to these, then consider them as indicators that something is really going on. Other examples of secretive behaviors that indicate your girlfriend may be cheating are things like her no longer sharing her daily events with you, her suddenly deleting text messages from her cell phone and coming home with her hair messy, make-up smeared and clothes wrinkled followed by pausing and looking away when you ask where she's been.

2. Sudden changes in her appearance
Although there are girls who suddenly become interested with clothes, if you notice a sudden change in your girlfriend's appearance, e.g., a drastically different hair style or a sudden desire to lose weight and get in shape or a sudden need to buy new, sexier items of clothing, the reason behind it could be to create a new look and feel more attractive to the man she is seeing behind your back.

3. She shows loss of interest 
When she is with you, does it appear her thoughts are on someone else? Does she avoid talking to about the future of your relationship. Does she keep forgetting important dates, or other things about your relationship, that she used to think were "important" to both of you? The reason for this lapse in memory could be due to the fact she already has that someone else on her mind. If she used to be needy of your attention but suddenly doesn't need your company, constantly discusses some guy she works with or met endlessly with admiration and begins avoiding you, your calls, your texts, etc... there's a good chance your girlfriend is cheating.

4. She checks out other guys in public 
Cheating girlfriends sometimes tend to flirt excessively with other men. Girls will typically only check out other guys for fun or to test you; however, if your girl has never been a “flirt” before, and now she suddenly is on a constant basis, it may be a bad sign for your relationship. If you notice your girlfriend openly checking out other guys and keeping deep eye contact with them while you're right there beside her, it could be her way of sending you a subtle message that she might actually be shopping around for another man.

5. Physical contact with you decreases 
This one should be obvious. If a woman isn't sleeping with you, in all likelihood, she's sleeping with someone else. So if your girlfriend begins rejecting your advances or moves away from you when you initiate physical contact regularly without an obvious reason , this is one of the major

So fellas if she exhibits these traits its time to move on, no hard feelings . A wise man once said it's better to have a broken relationship than a broken marriage, think about-oh and ya'll are welcome *winks*

Thursday 1 November 2012


Who says you have to wait, batting your eyelashes and hoping that handsome guy will introduce himself? Take life by the horns and pick that man up! but make sure he's single first. Now the worst place to pick up anyone guys/girls alike is at a bar. Because when you pick up someone at a bar you're only talking to the alcohol and not the real person. If you really have given up on meeting people the old fashion way you might want to refer to the electronic way and I'm not talking about Facebook, here are those special tips on how
to pick up that man *winks*

1) Pick a good spot.: Choose a place you would much rather want to meet a man. Places like the cinema's, super market, sports bar...the list is endless.

2) Flirt from a distance:. Make eye contact, smile, and look approachable. Make sure that your body language is open and that you look approachable. "More than 50 percent of all communication is done via body language and gestures," explains body-language expert Janine Driver says. A good way to open your body language is to lean on something. Make sure that your feet are pointed at who you are trying to approach. Don't cross your arms or your legs. This closes you off and makes you look unapproachable.

3) Start a conversation. You may skip it if you are terrified by the thought of starting a conversation with a stranger (a good-looking guy, no less). But if you skip this step, you are depriving yourself of a valuable screening tool. What if this guy is a total weirdo? Or just too dull, too quiet, too loud, too macho, too meek, or just not your type? Besides, you're going to have to talk to him at some point, anyway. It's better to find out now that he has horrific breath, or that he can't stop talking about his mother or ex-girlfriend, rather than make the discovery on your first date, when your escape route will be a little narrower

4) Close the deal. Alright:. Now it's time to get his phone number! If you had been successful is making a conversation with him, you can say something like, "You're fascinating! I like talking to you. Can I call you sometime?" You could even go a step forward and ask him out on a date instead.

5) If you can't get a conversation going (like, if you are too nervous), then you must take the direct route. You are going to cut through the steps of saying hi, doing introductions, and talking about the weather, before asking him for his phone number. You are just going to ask him for him phone number. This might call for a pickup line. We women have been subject to all kinds of lame and even rude pick up lines, and they can be upsetting. So, avoid saying anything questionable. Otherwise, you'll look like a fool and he'll refuse (or just brush you off). However, don't be put off if you can't think of something clever or funny. Even a lame pick up line can be endearing if you LOOK attractive and SMILE. You can just say, "I like your shirt. Can I have your number?"Smiling, being friendly and staying on top of personal health and hygiene is all you need to always be prepared to pick up men.

6) There is one last way. Right before you leave, give him your contact info, and walk away. The "hit and run" approach is highly recommended. It doesn't give him a chance to reject you on the spot, which makes things easier on you, obviously. It also gives him time to digest what just happened, which may not happen to him often. If you skipped the conversation step, or even if you didn't, you may want to give him only a personal e-mail address rather than a phone number, in case he turns out to be the creepy stalker type.

  •     If he's been checking you out the whole time, be bold. Go up to him and ask, "So when are you gonna take me out?" or, "Here's my number, in case you want to take me out sometime