Thursday 12 September 2013



This is a very incredible finding, so incredible I had to share. If you remember a few months ago i shared with you how "size" does matter with this post you'll understand just how important size is *winks* enjoy. 

Men with small testicles are likely to be more nurturing and better fathers to their children. A new study from Emory University finds that men who tend to be a loving parent also have smaller testicles. This study showed that men with smaller testes exhibited more nurturing activity in their brains when shown pictures of their children. Also, separate surveys from their respective female partners showed that these men were more involved in the upbringing of their children. Larger sized testicles seemed to indicate men who were built for competition with other men to make women pregnant, but not so much to care for the child

Researchers  measured the testicle size of 70 new fathers from the Atlanta area between 21 and 43 years old. They also analyzed their brain activity in regions implicated in parental motivation when shown images of their child and quizzed their wives about the man's involvement in child rearing. Testes volume is associated with sperm production and testosterone levels — the bigger the balls, the more sperm and testosterone the man produces. In the study, the researchers also found that testes volume is related to how involved a man is in his child's life.

Smaller balls and lower testosterone levels were independently correlated to more parental involvement. Larger testicle volume and higher testosterone levels were correlated to less involvement.

So I guess the appropriate question would be for the married men; How big is your balls? :) answer that in the comment section or just follow me twitter it's :@keeksokafor

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