Monday 16 September 2013


Today I'm focusing on Kegel exercises,it's been commonly mentioned but scarcely practiced. I don't know how many are even aware of what those exercises are for and it's importance so let me give you a brief history then get right into it...but there's a twist in this tale for those of you that are aware of Kegel exercise you should know that it isn't for women alone. Read up:

Where did Kegels originate? In the mid-1900s, Dr. Arnold Kegel developed his Kegel exercise for women experiencing urinary incontinence. During followup examinations, the women reported an amazing side effect: Kegels helped their vagina's become a lot more sensitive during intercourse. Of course, this intrigued Dr. Kegel and, subsequently, he found that doing Kegels exercised the pubococcygeal (PC) muscle—the muscl group that forms the orgasmic platform.

Think Kegel exercises are just for women? Think again. Kegel exercises for men can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support the bladder and bowel and affect sexual function. With practice, Kegel exercises for men can be done discreetly just about anytime — whether you're relaxing on the couch or driving your car. Before you start doing Kegel exercises, find out how to locate the correct muscles and understand the proper technique.

Many factors can weaken a man's pelvic floor muscles, including the surgical removal of the prostate (radical prostatectomy) and conditions such as diabetes and overactive bladder.

You might benefit from doing Kegel exercises if you:

  • Have urinary or fecal incontinence
  • Dribble after urination — usually after you've left the bathroom
  • Some studies suggest that Kegel exercises for men might also benefit some men who have erectile dysfunction. However, further research is needed.

How to do Kegel exercises for men
It takes diligence to identify your pelvic floor muscles and understand how to contract and relax them. Here are some pointers: Unfortunately,very few people have made Kegels a daily habit.  Find the right muscles. To identify your pelvic floor muscles, stop urination in midstream or tighten the muscles that keep you from passing gas. These are your pelvic floor muscles. If you contract your pelvic floor muscles while looking in the mirror, the base of your penis will move closer to your abdomen and your testicles will rise.

Perfect your technique. Once you've identified your pelvic floor muscles, empty your bladder and lie on your back with your knees bent and apart. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles, hold the contraction for three seconds, and then relax for three seconds. Try it a few times in a row but don't overdo it. When your muscles get stronger, try doing Kegel exercises while sitting, standing or walking. Maintain your focus. For best results, focus on tightening only your pelvic floor muscles. Be careful not to flex the muscles in your abdomen, thighs or buttocks. Avoid holding your breath. Instead, breathe freely during the exercises. Repeat 3 times a day. Aim for at least three sets of 10 repetitions a day.

Kegel's are a must for both male and female. Do it daily and like any other exercise marvel at the results. Remember the handle hasn't changed @keeksokafor plus a comment on what you think about the post after the jump.


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