Tuesday 9 April 2013


Listen up fellas this post was specifically researched for you hehe:
A study published in the latest edition of the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has determined that penis size affects attractiveness -- and the bigger the better. The study created over 300 computer generated images of men that varied in height, hip-to-shoulder ratio (both traits are linked to attractiveness and reproductive success) and penis size. The images were projected on a wall and women were asked to rate the attractiveness on each one. The study found, for the most part, that penis size influences attractiveness -- but it wasn’t the only factor.

Height and hip-to-shoulder ratio also play important roles. If you’re six foot tall and have a three-inch (flaccid) penis you’ll get an average attractiveness score. Unfortunately, if you’re several inches shorter (say, 5’6”) you’ll need to be about 4.5-inches to measure up. Basically, if you’re tall, broad-shouldered and in shape, you don’t need to impress as much down there.

It is believed that attractiveness based on penis size is most likely an evolutionary remnant from before humans started to wear clothing. Big penises gave better orgasms, thereby creating deeper bonds and enhancing reproductive success. But if you were big and strong and could protect your mate, then chances are you’d have reproductive success regardless of penis size. The good news? We all wear clothing now so chances are you won’t be judged on size before you even ask for her number. Her first glance at you might be when you’re fooling around and then hopefully for you, you’re a grower, not a shower.

So there you go women are actually attracted to men with bigger *ahem* well according to the study, ask me no questions so i don't have to lie!!

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