Friday 19 April 2013


This is strictly for the ladies, so fellas keep off lol. Seriously though this particular posts borne out of  the need to help ladies out. I notice alot of women have been in relationships that they feel aren't going anywhere and they need to give their men the much needed push!! well listen up:

There will come a time in your relationship with the guy your sure is ‘The One’ when you want nothing more to take the next step, get engaged and continue the rest of your life with him by your side. However tradition has it that you have to wait for your man to propose so it seems your destined to become one of those girlfriends that gaze at him meaningfully during your friends weddings, and broach the marriage topic every time you get a chance.

I cant stress how important it is not to try these methods of getting your guy to propose

a) A man proposing under pressure will be a man likely to bolt down the aisle on the day, when he realizes he wasn't ready.

b) Pressuring him means he is more likely to bolt before the proposal has taken place as he is feeling like you have been trying to trap him.

Most men do want to marry the woman they love. They do dream of settling down and having children. But it needs to be their idea. They don’t want to be scared by your talk of saving for a big wedding and what age you just start trying for children. I don’t believe in there being any tried and tested methods of getting your guy to propose as it will only happen and last if its meant to be but you can help by reminding him how happy you would be together;

1) Carry on having fun together,remind him your the kind of girl he would want to spend the rest of his life with, the girl he can have a laugh with, have great sex, your not an old married couple yet and you don’t want him to see you that way. Nagging him about going out drinking and spending nights in watching football will only discourage him.

2) Don’t be afraid to talk about a future that doesn't see you two getting married, if its the opposite of what he wants it will spur him into proposing. I don’t mean you have to threaten him I mean talking hypothetically about a quite unlikely fantasy future that gets him thinking.

3) Talk about the future in terms of exciting trips abroad or things you would like to achieve together or financial achievements you aspire too instead of discussing mortgages and children.

Remember: He wants to propose to you, the woman he fell in love with, not some chick you have metamorphosed into that is desperate for a ring. But catching the bouquet at your friends wedding won’t hurt…*winks*

I sincerely hope these little guidelines help I would have tried 'em out myself but alas i'm a very single chick lol .As usual if you've got something to say please drop a comment or better still you can holler at me on twitter it's @keeksokafor don't forget to hit follow first lol.

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