Tuesday 16 October 2012


I figure this particular topic  might come across as weird because a lot of people think there is no hard and fast rule to wearing make-up to the office. Well that's why this particular article should be of interest to you yes you because it is a big deal!! Listen you can't and absolutely shouldn't wear loud and catchy/distracting make-up to work, girl please,  keep it for the club! Trust me you might come off looking like an *ahem* "working girl" so if  you can't rock it like a rock star to work and won't feel too confident going without any make up at all what can a sister do? well you can follow these few tips:

1. Start with a clean slate. Scrub, then moisturize your face. These are places where you want to be “picky.” You also want to choose a moisturizer that will adhere to the full-face of foundation you’re about to apply. Apparently, the au natural look requires covering every inch of your face in liquid makeup.

2. Apply foundation. With a sponge, apply a foundation that matches your skin tone. Pay special attention to the eyes and laugh lines. Wrinkles love to attach themselves to foundation and make you look older than you are – hence, “au natural.”

3. Eye makeup. Only use enough eyeliner to make your eyes “pop.” Follow the lines of your eyes, staying within them and not wavering. Smokey eyes, we’ve already established, have no place at the office. Also, stick to conservative colors for both your eyeliner and eye shadow. Neutral tones are your friends.

4. Mascara. When applied with a fan brush so as to prevent clumping, mascara is a great way to add that little something to your eyes. Again, stick to subtle colors – a dark brown or soft black are perfect. No sense in looking like a tramp while you’re in that board meeting – that’s for after work hours.

5. Tinted lip gloss. Again we’re shooting for a slight “pop” here. Unlike lipstick, a tinted gloss looks more realistic and is easy to apply throughout the day.

There you go make-up for work, not for after office hours I hope you noted the emphasis on subtle tones....

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