Thursday 30 January 2014


This is a new survey that I discovered, It doesn't apply to me but I figure maybe it might be applicable for some others. Here's how it goes:

If you find yourself without a date this Valentine’s Day, maybe it’s not you. Maybe it’s your car. According to a new survey by, women say that attractive men tend to drive black Ford pickup trucks. Men report that attractive women drive red BMW sports cars. The survey of 2,000 men and women asked what type, brand and colour of vehicle are driven by the most fetching members of the opposite sex. Women ranked these styles as cars that attractive men drive: 

• Pickup trucks: 32% 
• Sports cars: 27% 
• SUVs: 16% 
• Sedans: 11% 
• Hybrid or electric: 9% 
• UPS truck: 4% 
• Minivans: 2% 
• Mail truck: 1% the top brands of car for attractive men, as ranked by women, were Ford (16%), 

Chevrolet (13%) and Porsche (11%).  
Women overwhelmingly point to black (53%) as the colour of cars driven by good-looking men, followed by silver (16%) and red (13%). Here’s how men ranked car types for attractive women:

• Sports cars: 39% 
• Sedans: 22% 
• SUVs: 20% 
• Pickup trucks: 10% 
• Hybrid or electric vehicle: 6% 
• Minivans: 4%
Men envision desirable gals in BMWs (16%), Mercedes-Benzes (14%) and Porsches (10%). The top car colours for attractive women were red (40%), black (23%) and silver (14%).

It is believed that “if the car is well kept, there's a better chance the owner takes good care of him or herself." These observations are supported by survey results. When asked what’s most important about a car belonging to the opposite sex, people say: 
1.That it is clean. (Women: 45%. Men: 43%.) 
2.That it is reliable. (Women: 37%. Men: 29%.) Less important are: 
3.That it is interesting. (Women: 7%. Men: 12%.) 
4.That it is new or new-ish. (Women: 6%. Men: 9%.) 
5.That it is expensive. (Women: 4%. Men: 6%.)
The fact of the matter remains: Your persona is intrinsically linked in some way to the vehicle you drive. You may be able to leverage that to boost your odds of a date to the movies this Saturday night. 

Well what do you think? do you agree? holler at me via twitter @keeksokafor or drop a line below.

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