Tuesday 27 November 2012


Plastic surgeons have been making a killing on designer vaginas. What exactly is a designer vagina? Well, therein lies the problem. No one really knows, and if you try looking it up on a plastic surgeon’s site, chances are whatever answer you get is going to be really vague and confusing.

A lot of plastic surgeons offer procedures like labioplasty, which makes your labia smaller or different from their natural state–like a nose job, but for your privates. Others offer G-spot enhancement, which is sort of horrifying, because there’s very little evidence to show that it actually does anything, and because it’s surgery inside your vag. Other sexist services include “hymen rejuvenation,” so you can “bleed on your wedding night and keep your head high.
I though really can't understand what is with the obsession with hymens? I am of the opinion that you don't try to fix what has been broken an in that i mean your virginity!! If the brother can't handle that he isn't the first man to visit your sacred chambers then girl onto the next one lol! Seriously though designer vjay's smh what will man think of next?!

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