Thursday, 30 July 2020

Long time no see!!

This post is basically to do a shout out to my teaming 5 I've been gone for too long and this post is basically to share with you how I've grown over the years. I want to encourage you, yeah you girl, that it's okay to wanna be an independent lady and then also okay to want to be taken care of. I personally hate tags , I want to be the one to tell you how I am, who I am and also be the one to explain my actions and not be tagged as something or the other because everyone has to belong to or identify with some group or the other. 

It took me years to come to this resolution, I had for years felt that I was a career driven, independent woman and was "working" to live up to that identity. The work was hard and I envied other girls that didn't have to put in this kind of work but still achieved so much more than I did, how the hell were they doing that?! My perspective had to change and I had to work again to disabuse my mind and change my out look on life.

Basically,I'm a work in progress and I want everyone to know that it's okay not to have it all figured out, they say the only constant in life is change. So if a condition that you created or stumbled into doesn't suit you anymore...CHANGE IT. It's okay to change, adjust and then readjust what isn't okay is for you to continue to "manage" circumstances and situations when you have the power to flip the script, literally. It is not okay to go around with a defeatists mentality , being too lazy to make the effort. It's your life...take charge, you and no one else should be more invested in your success. To end this rather short and spur of the moment post, in the words of the late baby girl Aaliyah " if at first you don't succeed, pick your self up and try again" 
Here's to never saying "Never"!! If you read this, don't be shy to post a comment and let me know how you are..


U-ZONE said...

Thanks Kiki

Nkiru kiki said...

Hey you,I appreciate the support.